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The Consumer Agency

Iceland is an independent government agency which was formed by the merger of The State Electrical Inspection and the Agency for Legal Metrology in 1996. Furthermore in 2005 the Consumer Affairs Division of the Icelandic Competition Authority was also merged to this government agency and as of 1 July 2005 the Consumer Agency took over all tasks previously handled by these entities according to the new Act No 62/2005 (also available in Danish) on the Consumer Agency and Consumer Spokesman.

Subsequently all the activities of the new organization were reviewed and the Consumer Agency was reorganized in order to take into account the new legislative environment. The Minister of Trade and Industry confirmed the organigram on 23 March 2006.


General information and location:
Neytendastofa – The Consumer Agency
 Address: Borgartún 29
 e-mail: postur@neytendastofa.is
 Telephone: + (354) - 510 1100
 Telefax: + (354) - 510 1101
 Website: www.neytendastofa.is

Opening hours:
 Open mondays to fridays from 9.00 - 12:00 and 13:00- 15:30.

Location: See